There are some extremely acidic products on the shelves some which you put in a bag they advise u use gloves and goggles and advise not to use when pregnant, they will also advise to ventilate the area as they leave huge smells which can linger, the risk factor in using these types of products are extremely high.
I personally was talking to a lady who worked on the eye section at the LGI in Leeds where she explained one of her patients were preparing Christmas at his house for the family when he decided to clean the oven, he use a supermarket oven cleaner and put the racks in to a bag using the PPE provided, for one min he decides to get the air out of the bag and the contents burst out and went into his face...... Immediately he was blinded
....... She gave the patiant who was in extreme pain an injection he said the pain had dissapeared but she knew it wasnt for very long and would return but he woild still be blind for ever.....................
From this experience yoi can use your own understanding to decide if the products available are safe to use or not.